Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design Lecture

Copenhagen Institute for Interaction Design lecture by Simone Rebaudengo.

Lecture discussion was on Artificial Intelligence, how it has progressed to observe us and learnt intimate things about us, and what will the future hold when we are put into a fully automated life style. It was a look at also the reality in having robots co existing with humans and the realisation that it probably won't be a clean and harmonies transition. Within the lecture there was an argument on these new robotic smart stuff that we continue to surround ourselves with and this is not necessarily a good and progressive attitude when the inevitable decisions will come where the smart robot may have to make the decision between who lives and who dies.


Nørrebro Copenhagen

Arriving in Copenhagen Ive been able to establish a work space in my accommodation, where I can work on learning processing and get introduced to generative design. Copenhagen is an incredibly inspiring city as you walk through the streets there is a definitive air of creativity through tiny shop fronts or rented creator spaces with designers and artists working alongside each other. I have set myself some objectives while I'm here and the main focus is to translate my drawing language into digital form through coding. The generative design aspect will allow me to lay down rules for the drawing giving myself discipline to extend my drawings experimentation. Owen has lent me text books to ease me into the thought process which will be completely foreign to begin with.




NSW Young Regional Artist Scholarship 2016

In April 2016 I was successful in my grant application for an exploration into digital media through a mentorship program in Copenhagen Denmark. The proposed project will be learning processing and generative design alongside CIID (Copenhagen Institute for Interaction design) masters graduate Owen Mcfadzen.

Using the principles which underpin drawing, I want to extend my practice to work between digital applications using programs that allow exploration into translating how I draw and recognise the patterns and nature of the systems put into place through memory. Throughout my practice I have used memory to draw and within that memory is a series of systems and patterns that create the marks I make. After looking into processing and generative design, I would like to use the opportunity to look further into my drawings and see what is repeated and get more of an understanding of the language I have created. With my background in print-media I would still like to have the physical object and form the relationship with the processed image to coincide with the experimentation process.

Upon arrival in Copenhagen I will work with Owen to identify a particular project that would enable me too explore these objectives and successfully translate what I'm creating. The links below are Owens website and the school associated.

Megalo Print Studio Residency

Finishing my residency at Canberra Contemporary Art Space I moved on to my  Megalo Print Studio residency where I was able to explore the possibilities of repeat fabric printing. I wanted to create a drawing that would be very hard to make out where the repeat started and stopped, the design I created really lended itself to this and I was very happy with the results as the printing created an endless mural. I enjoyed the process immensely and ended up printing over 60m of fabric. During the process I realised the magnitude of the design I created and how it can be adopted into so many applications and still work.

EEAS Canberra Contemporary Art Space Residency

After Finishing my Honours in Visual Arts at the Australian National University I was awarded a six month residency with Canberra Contemporary Art Space (CCAS). The opportunity allowed me to have a space to work on new projects and also the chance to meet other artists and curators working within Australia and internationally. As part of the Exhibition Emerging Arts Support Scheme (EEAS) I was also given a solo show at the end of my six months at CCAS Manuka which helped build my profile outside of the School of Art.

Australian National University Mental Note

During my third year at the Australian National University I was given the project to do 100 drawings over the cause of a semester, I created these perspective tests that challenged the relationship the mark had with the edge of the page.

Australian National University Mural

In my second year at the Art School I was given the opportunity by my lecturers to create a mural in the staircase of the drawing and print media workshop. I used the drawings from my six week trip to Copenhagen as the subject matter, that created a visual language of architecture that interrupted the space itself.