Canberra Contemporary Art space Quick Draw Fundraiser


Quick Draw is a novel idea where the punter’s names are drawn from a hat and randomly matched with an artwork. There is a small risk involved, as the price of a ticket buys a work, but no one knows what they will receive until their name is drawn.
All funds raised will go directly to artists exhibiting at Canberra Contemporary Art Space’s Gorman Arts Centre gallery. Artists’ fees have always been a high priority for CCAS, and Quick Draw 2017 will ensure that these fees continue into the future. Comprising of 50 of Canberra's hottest artists in varying stages of their career Quick Draw is a fantastic way to get involved and support Canberra’s vibrant contemporary art scene.

Christopher Burton, Clear cut, 40 x 40cm, 2017 

Christopher Burton, Clear cut, 40 x 40cm, 2017 

M16 Artspace

Joel Arthur, Riley Beaumont, Christopher Burton, Christopher Dalzell (Walrus), Mikhaila Jurkiewicz, Rowan Kane, Milan Pintos-Lopez, Kael Stasce

Gallery 1

23 March – 9 April 2017

Opening 6pm Thursday 23 March

Exhibition continues until 5pm Sunday 19 April

This exhibition of eight artists highlights the way relationships between each others’ practices has evolved and how conceptual and aesthetic inspiration has developed in each individuals’ work.

Christopher Burton Left: 'Luminescence', 2017, graphite on board, 135 x 122cm Right: 'Confined', 2017, graphite on board, 120 x 90cm  

Christopher Burton Left: 'Luminescence', 2017, graphite on board, 135 x 122cm Right: 'Confined', 2017, graphite on board, 120 x 90cm 


Number 01:

Dilapidated Inner North Gallery Project In The Australian Capital Territory

Joel Arthur, Riley Beaumont, Christopher Burton, Rowan Kane, Jack Musich, Benjamin Shingles.


Copenhagen Institute for Interaction Design Lecture

Lauren Serota service designer is the third open lecture at Copenhagen Institute for Interaction Design Ive been able to take part in, The lecture topic was on positives and negatives of social impact in design. Peoples reality and what shapes individual experiences into perspectives that might alter what we do and don't do. There was a strong feeling of wanting to change the old in the lecture and re create more useable frame works for people to navigate through everyday life situations. Serota travels a lot within her field which opens her experiences to different cultures and how things work within everyday systems.

The lecture created a conversation within my own personal practice, ideas and what structure I could create within making that could help translate what imagery I was trying to use.

You can find out what Lauren is working on here


Learning Programming

Foundations of Programming with Java Script 1-6 p5.js. I started by following the tutorials Dan Shiffman had uploaded for beginning the process of simple programming sketches and coding to adapt to a new way of interpreting a mark, line or object. These first lessons break down what needs to happen to enable a line from point to point through the use of steps.

Generative Design allows me to look at how these programming rules are translated into more of a complex field of marks. This book has in depth tutorials for sketches.

Generative Design: Hartmut Bohnacker,Benedikt Gross,Julia Laub

Copenhagen Institute for Interaction Design Lecture

Joshua Noble presented a lecture that explored creative practices and the un easy relationship between art and design. There was a strong focus on building classrooms with so many multi disciplinary creatives, to create a more engaging and cultural future together. Similar to the last lecture Joshua talked about the progression of technology and where we are now in the world, and is it the right place to be with the knowledge we have.