Canberra Contemporary Art space Quick Draw Fundraiser


Quick Draw is a novel idea where the punter’s names are drawn from a hat and randomly matched with an artwork. There is a small risk involved, as the price of a ticket buys a work, but no one knows what they will receive until their name is drawn.
All funds raised will go directly to artists exhibiting at Canberra Contemporary Art Space’s Gorman Arts Centre gallery. Artists’ fees have always been a high priority for CCAS, and Quick Draw 2017 will ensure that these fees continue into the future. Comprising of 50 of Canberra's hottest artists in varying stages of their career Quick Draw is a fantastic way to get involved and support Canberra’s vibrant contemporary art scene.

Christopher Burton, Clear cut, 40 x 40cm, 2017 

Christopher Burton, Clear cut, 40 x 40cm, 2017